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Function and application of air compressor

  • 时间: 2021-12-30
  • 作者: 超级管理员
  • 访问量: 333次
  • 分享:

Many people are unfamiliar with the air compressor. What is it used for and why does the manufacturing industry use it? Today, let's take a look at what is an air compressor and what is its function and purpose.

What is an air compressor? Air compressor is a common power equipment, which converts mechanical energy into gas pressure energy. In short, it is a pressure generating device for compressed air. The main function of the air compressor is to supply air and provide the gas required for production. The air compressor has a wide range of uses, including:

1. Traditional aerodynamic: pneumatic tools, rock drill, pneumatic pick, pneumatic wrench, pneumatic sand blasting

2. Compressed air is used to blow weft yarn instead of shuttle in air-jet loom

3. In food and pharmaceutical industries, compressed air is used to stir slurry

4. Starting of large marine diesel engine

5. Function and application of air compressor wind tunnel experiment, underground passage ventilation, metal smelting

6. Mine ventilation gas

7. High pressure air blasting coal mining

8. Weapon system, missile launch, torpedo launch

9. Submarine sinking and floating, sunken ship salvage, submarine oil exploration, hovercraft

10. Tire inflation

11. Painting and sand blasting industry

12. Textile factory: mixing liquid, air lifting, wetting, operating accumulator, spraying liquid, spraying system, infusion

13. Instrument control and automation devices, such as tool replacement of machining center, etc